How Labor and Climate Movements Are Building An Enduring Alliance w/ Jeff Ordower and Norman Rogers

How Labor and Climate Movements Are Building An Enduring Alliance w/ Jeff Ordower and Norman Rogers

The bosses have long pitted workers against those fighting pollution, extraction and the climate crisis. As the climate crisis worsens, labor unions and environmentalists have begun to build important new alliances to challenge the power of capital and industry. In the new anthology, “Power Lines,” co-editors Jeff Ordower and Lindsey Zafir discuss the challenges and successes of this growing labor-climate movements.


In our latest episode, Scott talks with Jeff Ordower (@moredower) and Norman Rogers (@NormN3D) about the prospects of enduring relationships between labor and climate movements. We discuss just transition, how the bosses often attempt to turn workers against calls for climate action, and how false solutions like nuclear and carbon, capture and storage fall into this landscape.

Bio// Jeff Ordower is the North America director of Prior to joining 350, he was a co-founder of the Green Workers Alliance and a member of the Rising Tide North America collective. He’s the co-editor (with Lindsay Zafir) of Power Lines (The New Press), he lives in Philadelphia. Norman Rogers is the Second Vice President of United Steelworkers, Local 675


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